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Learn the latest and most effective application practices from leading experts in the field. In partnership with AGCO and BASF’s Operation Weed Eradication, The 2021 RoGator Crop Tour provides best practices on spraying techniques, emerging chemical considerations and tips on how to maximize equipment performance. It’s all part of the AGCO application team’s eff ort to help you control crop pressures in your local area.

Weed Eradication


Join forces with AGCO and BASF for Operation Weed Eradication. Together, we can control threats to our food supply.

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Crop Tour


The right boom height can take your crop to new heights.


  • Boom height is based on distance from the boom to the ground or the top of the weeds being sprayed. Watch your boom height during the spray job to ensure it’s located at the proper height above the crop/ground where you’re targeting – across the entire boom. If it’s too windy, wait for better spray conditions.


  • Automated boom height control systems aid the operator in maintaining the proper boom height.
  • In variable terrain these automated systems reduce operator fatigue, improve spay efficacy and help reduce boom damage.

Learn more about Boom height and other application tips by downloading the application guide.


Each nozzle is designed and selected for success.


  • Always start with the label on the product you’re applying. The label will specify nozzle requirements for highest rates of success.
  • Pay attention to environmental factors including wind, weather conditions and adjacent sensitive crops when you spray with the correct nozzles. If it’s too windy, wait for better spray conditions.


  • A pulse with modulation (PWM) system can be installed on a sprayer. A PWM system allows for a wider range of speed while maintaining constant pressure at the nozzle. The PWM system uses an on and off pulsing process in many cycles per second to maintain optimal spray quality.
  • Drift reducing agents can be added to the tank mix with the herbicide prior to an application.


Learn more about nozzle selection and other application tips by downloading the application guide.


More boom for your chemistry investment.


  • As you begin charging your boom in a fencerow, shut off inner sections of the boom to reduce the chance of creating an excessive hot spot in the area directly behind the sprayer as you perform the prime.
  • Charge the boom with the new chemistry until you see a different color of product coming from the nozzle. If a drift reducing agent is added to the tank mix you will see a variation in the spray pattern when the new chemistry reaches the nozzle.
  • Prime until you get a consistent spray pattern across the entire boom prior to spraying the field, so you ensure full coverage.


  • Excessive product used during the priming process leads to wasted chemical expense and increases the risk of environmental contamination. It’s not uncommon for 30-40 gallons of product to be sprayed on the ground prior to entering the field for the application.
  • The RoGator C Series with LiquidLogic eliminates the need to do a conventional boom prime. The recirculating boom takes product from the tank and circulates it through the boom and back to the tank without wasting any material on the ground performing a conventional prime. This saves on wasted material and eliminates the risk of environmental contamination. LiquidLogic also ensures you always have the correct amount of product to spray the field.

Learn more about boom priming and other application tips by downloading the application guide.


A cleaner sprayer for a meaner application.


  • The first step in the sprayer cleanout is to ensure the tank and boom plumbing are empty and not holding any excess product. Utilize air boom cleanout to push all remaining product out of the boom. Empty the boom strainers.
  • Circulate fresh water in the tank (at least 40 gallons). Be sure to circulate the rinsate though all system plumbing such as educator lines and bypass lines. Lastly spray the rinsate out through the booms to flush the boom.
  • Remove the end caps or aspirators and strainers on the boom and clean off any chemical residue that may have built up on these components.
  • Circulate fresh water in the tank a second time, and this time push material out of the boom ends with the caps or aspirators removed. Reassemble strainers, end caps and aspirators.
  • Circulate fresh water in the tank a third time and spray out through the boom then perform an air boom cleanout to empty the boom of rinsate.


  • The quality of the cleanout can be much improved with the RoGator C Series. A key reason is because the LiquidLogic system can recirculate rinsate through the booms while the rinsing of the tank is being done. The extra gallons being pushed through the boom plumbing during this process dramatically improves the boom cleanout process, drastically reducing the chance of product getting caught in the boom and carrying over to the next spray application.
  • The process time to perform the cleanout also takes much less time with the RoGator’s Liquid Logic system. The reason for this is because the boom plumbing doesn’t have traditional end caps or aspirators that need to be disassembled. This recirculation plumbing system reduces your risk of contamination and puts you back in the field much sooner.

Learn more about boom cleanout and other application tips by downloading the application guide.

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